May 16, 2013

Useful Properties of Handmade Soap

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Almost from birth, every person uses soap. In recent years, more and more often we think about its usefulness. Soap additives are based on vegetable oils. About their useful properties we can talk endlessly. It is known that the oils were used in ancient times. If applied properly, the skin will stay young for a long time.

мыло своими руками. полезные свойстваAcoording to the composition, soap has a different effect on the skin. It can moisturize and dry the skin and nourish it, may have antibacterial properties. So, before you make soap with your hands, decide what properties it should have.

So, try to figure out what onfluence some of the soap components have on the skin. Excellent strength properties, moisturizing and softening the skin has glycerin. It is suitable even for sensitive skin.

For dry skin is good soap with Vaseline, as it prevents drying out. About benefits of honey on the body we can talk for hours. It nourishes and tones the skin. Soap, based on honey, make the skin soft and silky.

Soap with fir oil heals the skin, prevents the occurrence of acne.

Chamomile extract helps to avoid drying out the skin and increases its protective function. Such extracts as  eucalyptus, pine, and tutsan have anti-inflammatory functions.

I draw your attention to the fact that the soap, which is based on natural vegetable oils, has a large number of the most useful substances. Soap, cooked with olive oil has hypoallergenic properties. You can even bathe babies.

If soap includes the olive and laurel oil, it will have a lot of useful features - it is anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, disinfectant, analgesic, sedative. The combination of unique oils allows you to restore the balance of the skin, relieve irritation.

And if you add in soap cocoa butter, you get a product that moisturizes and softens the skin, alive small cracks and cuts. Same flavor at this soap is just amazing.

Handmade soap which has coconut or coconut oil is a solid and have a very "fluffy" foam. It has emollient properties. Also formed on the skin imperceptible protecting layer .

For people suffering from acne, various dermatitis, dandruff, eczema should have on hand tar soap, which includes birch tar. And although it has not very pleasant smell, but its cosmetic properties are great.

Considering all mantioned above, if you care about your health, it's important to pick up the soap. A better option is to cook it yourself, taking into account the individual characteristics of the skin.


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