May 13, 2013

Blue Soap for Men - Cold Process Method

First of all, let's talk about security. By creating the soap use safety glasses and gloves. And your work shirt have to be a long-sleeved, the ingredients of soap were not included in the exposed areas of the skin. Getting to the collection of materials.


  • 375 ml liquid soap
  • 345 ml olive oil
  • 275 ml of coconut oil
  • 245 ml of palm oil
  • 65 ml of jojoba oil
  • 15ml Shea Butter
  • 135 ml liquor
  • 315 ml of distilled water
  • 80ml blue essential oil for men
  • A quarter of a teaspoon of dye "Ultramarine Blue"
  • 1 teaspoon dye "Ocean Blue" interspersed with jojoba beads
  • 1/8 teaspoon of dye "Pearl White"
  • 2 mini-scoop of titanium dioxide
  • 15 ml of jojoba oil "Extra"


  • Two heat-shielding container
  • Spoons
  • Mini scoop
  • Wax paper
  • A small bowl
  • Mini Mixer dyes
  • Mobile blender
  • 9 boards Baltic birch


Wear gloves and safety glasses for further work with the liquor. Mix liquor with water. By 315 ml of distilled water you would need 135 ml of liquor. Remember that the first pour water and then poured liquor, and never do the opposite! After adding water to the liquor mix until until the liquid becomes transparent. Stock liquor set aside water aside.
Measure out all the used oil. In a large heatproof container and heat the mix olive oil, coconut oil, palm oil and jojoba oil. Mixing should be intense.
Add the oily mixture of shea butter and stir until dissolved. But remember that if shea butter is too hot, it may become grainy. Therefore, before you add the shea butter to the mix, I heated it up to the desired temperature by itself.
Wait until your oil and lye to cool down. For our prescription required operating temperature at 35-37 degrees. Remember that as the liquid cools separately, the temperature may be different. When mixing temperature is equalized. As long as your liquid cools, you can do other things. For example, we can measure and prepare aromatic oils to prepare molds mix blue suspension, etc.

Prepare the mold. Take the wax paper, previously frozen in the freezer and lay her wooden mold, putting the shiny side up, so that the molds were as smooth. Shaper, created out of five boards, should form like a box with a wide bottom and an open top. Having laid out the paper on the bottom of the molds, add the paper on the side and end boundaries of individual inserts. Also, of the other boards make separation elements like a field for playing "Tic-Tac-Toe", which should be conveniently placed inside the box. As a result, your shaper will be ready for follow-up, sharing the future of soap into 9 parts.
Working with aromatic oils. In a small cup or bowl of blue add a suitable amount of aromatic oils for men. On the shelves of cold soap you will need up to 30 grams of blue oil. If you use more oil, soap out very fragrant. This is how someone like that. After adding a blue oil create blue suspension.
Blue suspension. In the high plastic container mix 15 ml of jojoba oil and a quarter of a teaspoon "ultramarine blue." Mixing is best done with the help of a mini-mixer or a foaming agent, until breaking all the lumps. Later, we will add this dye in the soap to create some interesting twists.

Finally, measure and add 75 ml of essential oil blue for men.

Once the mixture of alkali and oils reached the desired temperature, it is time to unite them. The addition of alkali to the oil mixture should be carried out as slowly and cautiously. Remember that if you are "plyuhnete" too many bases at the same time may be a slight disaster. Before switching on the mobile blender be sure to check the speed. Also, save the blender of bubbles.
How to do it? Click on the bottom of the glass container several times, while the "head" of the blender is immersed in the liquid. This allows to get rid of air bubbles before mixing. Thoroughly mix a liquid with a mobile blender.

Stir the mixture to a blender until top appears a thin layer of a different consistency similar to pudding. Then add 375 ml of liquid soap in the container with the green slurry and mix well with all cell blender. Do not add essential oils in this color soap. Blue aromatic oil for men has a bleaching effect, which will adversely affect the final result. Instead, manually add and mix half a teaspoon of dye "Blue Ocean."

Add the blue aromatic oil for men in the balance is not the color of liquid soap and mix the ingredients with a spoon by hand. Next, add 2 mini-scoop of titanium dioxide and 1/8 teaspoon of dye "Pearl White". Stir well with a mobile blender, do not forget the pre-deliver it from the air.

Both parts of the liquid soap at this point should be lightweight, non-frozen consistency. Pour half the unvarnished basis into a mold. Then a thin layer on the substrate surface output the letter S with the colored part, both horizontally and vertically until they fill the entire surface. Then fill the other half unvarnished base and repeat the procedure with the colored part.

If the shaper is large enough to create a vortex, you can use a spoon or spatula. If the shaper is small, you can use a needle or pipette. Create an S-shaped swirls both vertically and horizontally.
Insert the soap separating walls and cover with a lid shape. Prior to taking out the soap out of the molds it should harden within 24-48 hours. When the soap is ready to be seized, carefully remove the spacers from the molds. After removal let soap lie down in unused condition within 4-6 weeks.


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